Monday, January 2, 2012

Time to Dream... NYE 2011

To begin the day, the group took off towards the Sydney Aquarium for a morning filled with fins, blubber, and tentacles. We saw some of the multiple living creatures that are easily capable of killing us with a simple touch. We also saw some unique animals, such as the platypus and dugong. Anyone who knows me, knows I love fish! Seeing the amazing varieties of fish, coral, and other aquatic creatures was an absolutely amazing experience!
Largest Shark on record

What made it even better, was seeing Nemo, Dory, Gill, Crush, and other Finding Nemo characters swimming in their "natural" habitat. "I wish I could speak whale!"

The rest of the afternoon before our New Years Adventure, was spent shopping, while some students were searching for new clothes to go out in. That in and of itself was an experience!

One can't just hang around Sydney on New Years Eve and not see the fireworks that burst over the harbour. We left the college around 4:30 and began to make our way down towards the harbour. Along the way, I spotted a smart car being used as an ambulance... Even I can't fit in one of those things, and we all know how short I am! Needless to say, it was absolutely crazy getting there, but we arrived around 6:30 after painstakingly creeping across the city. Our nice, cozy spot on the ground became cozier as the night went on, and our group was slowly pushed into a tight circle. We met some very interesting characters throughout the night, as we were crammed into a tight space with them. When you're that close to someone, you might as well make friends! Nicole and Chiem, a husband and wife from Holland, made the night quite enjoyable with their antics and jokes. An older couple from Sydney entertained the entire crowd with their ballroom dancing skills. Romain from France, and Craig from Scotland joined the group after meeting a few of the Auburn students somewhere else in the crowd. The evening was quite enjoyable, and definitely memorable. The fireworks were spectacular, and just being around all the loonies in Sydney made the night awesome!

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